Saturday, February 26, 2011

Relay For Life Products

So the Relay For Life is coming up soon, I think it starts in a couple of days, I actually have to read the note cards lol but yes so it starts soon and Justyn and I decided to start making some products to sell at the RFL. I am only going to show pictures of the things I have made, which was erm a necklace, a ring, men's underpants, a shirt and a tattoo.

I’m not going to be putting them up for sale in our marketplace shop or our in world shop, instead were going to put them up at the RFL when we get a stall and the RFL box thing so every sale from those boxes all the profit goes to RFL.

Anyway if you see something you like anything here just lemme know and I’ll pass you over a copy so you can show that you support ^_^ other than that I have absolutely nothing to write because I woke up like an hour ago so my brain still isn’t functioning!!! So I guess I’ll put these pics up and write more later.

(photos look crap I know I just done them)

I forgot about the tattoo i made lol. But yea these are the pics, and I will be reading the Note Cards I got for it to find out when it starts and what goes on annnnd find out if im gonna be auctioned off with Justyn XP

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