Sunday, January 23, 2011

I needed to write.. enjoy haha

So I am back in a writing mood, what should I write though… hmm * pretends to think* well I guess.. but noo. *pretends to think again* hmm okay I will actually write that.. okay well a couple of weeks ago I wrote out a book. Well I wrote two books actually. They were short stories really, for a vampire coven that Morning, Justyn and I were making. First I wrote Joobie’s story, than Justyn’s. I was going to write all our stories because I was merging them in to fit together so it could be four books that people read ( if they chose to ) obviously I wasn’t going to force them. Anyway, they were going really well, but one day I was in a shitty mood as I get, and when I get shitty I’m either breaking something or ruining something that I think I hate. Since I couldn’t break anything I deleted all my books and a TON of pictures then emptied my bin so they had been lost forever L thankfully Justyn had all the pictures on his computer and I had put them on my backup portable hard drive BUT my words had been lost forever, only remaining in my head. SO I guess I will have to start again, but with some edited differences since the recent change lol, so ill write out the first.. chapter I guess and post it here ^_^ and this will give me something to do till the new net gets here.. OKAY so lets get started :D

Joobie’s Story

A warm breeze, the soft rustling of leaves and the sound of water trickling over stone. Joobie was born on the first summers night, his mother Morning had given birth to him under the shade of a tall oak tree deep in the forest next to a small lake, sheltered in between two large boulders, he grew up with his mother who had taught him all she knew. Morning was a short woman with a round face, she has a small pointed nose, beautiful green eyes and long red hair that touched the back of her knees. She was beautiful and Graceful, when Joobie was still very young he was in a field with his mother, she had set him on a rock and was dancing in the tall grass for him, the moon was high full and hanging high in the sky, Morning then suddenly stopped dancing and looked towards the woods edge, Joobie followed her gaze and caught the silhouette of a cloaked figure with something in its arms. Morning dashed back to Joobie and took him in her arms, Joobie thought she would run from the cloaked figure, but instead she walked towards it slowly.

She stopped three steps away from the cloaked figure and set Joobie on the ground, Joobie looked to the figure and saw that it was a woman carrying a small child. He looked at the woman but couldn’t see her face because it was still covered by her hood, he then focused his gaze on the child she was carrying thought he couldn’t see the child’s face because it was buried in the woman’s cloak. Morning let out a small gasp and the woman nodded, Joobie took a step back, he didn’t notice anything had been said “I understand” Morning said after a few seconds of Silence, she looked to Joobie and smiled “Joobie my darling son, this is Sarahphena” she said and she looked to the cloaked woman, Joobie looked again to the cloaked woman known as Sarahphena who then took her hood off. She had bleached white hair and pixie like features, but something was different about her eyes, Joobie focused his gaze on her eyes and noticed that they had been stitched up, as if they had been cut open. She had mascara mixed with blood running down her cheeks and smiled softly, This scared Joobie a lot and his reaction was to hid in his mother’s chest. “Don’t be afraid little Joobie” Sarahphena said, her voice was soft and kind. Joobie turned to face her “I will be looking after you” she said again in her soft voice and this time Joobie saw that her mouth did not move when she spoke “I commune through thought, and I can hear your thoughts too little one” her soft voice sounded and she smiled slightly. Sarahphena then looked at Morning and after a few seconds she spoke “I understand, Thankyou Sarahphena” Morning said, she looked to Joobie then “Joobie this is Justyn” she said and she pointed to the child that was being carried by Sarahphena “You two will grow together” she said, Joobie looked at the boy who then turned to face them. He was very handsome, with brown hair and dark brown eyes that almost looked black in the night. “I will have to leave you for a while love” she said after a few minutes of silence, Joobie’s gaze broke away from Justyn’s and fell on his mother’s face “I love you very much and I will return to you” she said, Joobie didn’t understand what she was saying, he didn’t want his mother to go, but he knew he couldn’t do anything to stop her. His eyes filled with tears and he started to sob “I’m sorry love, I will return one day” she said also sobbing now. She placed Joobie on the ground and kissed his forehead softly, Joobie didn’t take his gaze off his mother and she nodded to Sarahphena who had put Justyn on the ground with Joobie, She then turned and walked away from them, fading into the darkness.

“Joobie, don’t cry, I will care for you, and so will Justyn” Sarahphena’s soft voice said and he instantly felt calm and relieved, his tears stopped streaming and he looked over to Justyn who was smiling now. Sarahphena took both their hands and walked back to the forest “We will reach our new home in a few minutes” she said as she walked, Joobie wasn’t paying attention to where they were walking, he was focusing on Justyn. Just as Sarahphena has promised they had reached their new home in a few short minutes, the home was a cottage that looked like it had grown from the forest, It was wedged between a large oak tree and a boulder, with cherry blossom framing the windows, it was almost like a fairy tale house, they walked inside the house and it looked even better on the inside. The room they entered was pretty big considering the size it looked from outside, there was a fireplace with a  lounge chair in front of it on the farthest wall a table was in the middle of the room and on the other end was a small kitchen with two doors that must have lead into the bedrooms.


Mkay well like.. yer I may not that be good at writing lol but I think it’s pretty good for a noobie at writing. I mean I have never written anything (( before that book )) Justyn has written like 50 pages of a book, but he has had writers block for a very long time now. But yea this is the book I am now working on again, and I think I’ll make this one longer also haha but yea okay well by now you have figured that I haven’t gone to bed early, now its 1am lol but on the bright side of how late it is.. only 6 days till the internet modem gets here!! And and and only 1 day till the cable guy gets here to sort out the phone!!! Woot woot.. okay well back to  my book harharhar.. oh I can explain a bit about the book I guess.. like what I know will happen.. the boys grow up with Sarahphena (( she is a human who lets vampires / lycans feed off her )) and when they hit puberty they are sent away to separate schools, Joobie to learn about Vampyres and Justyn to learn about Lycans. When they get back (( after 5 years )) they are about to turn 19 which is the age that their immortality sets in so Sarahphena goes out the night before to prepare and Joobie and Justyn.. get close ^_^ next night they are embraced and something bad happens.. ooo~~ .. and yea.. after awhile they go hunting together and then they have to move before of something!! Ooo~~ lol anyway enough writing.. you probably think enough reading lol SO back to writing my book thing.. I still need to figure a tittle for it haha.. god I love hobbies >.>

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