Saturday, January 15, 2011

My little Rant ^_^

People need to understand that even though I am very quiet I still have feelings. If it seems I am being rude just because I am quiet you need a serious attitude adjustment. This isn’t for anyone in particular. If you do think this about you again attitude adjustment. This is just so people know I am quiet and I will not voice myself a lot.
If you start an argument with me I will not defend myself unless I am in a bad mood, that is just not me. I will let you take all your rage out on me then I will remove you from my life and get shitty later. Unless I am in a bad mood then I will tell you off right back, but usually that won’t happen.
Most of the time Justyn is online instead of me that is because I am either working on something offline or I am busy with my RL duties. Some people believe that because of this that Joobie must be an alt of Justyn… first of all that is ridiculous.. what the hell kind of person would make an alt that is in love with their main character??
When I am offline and people start an argument with Justyn they notice that Justyn will react and tell you off.. I don’t want people to then all of a sudden take it out on me.. just because I won’t defend myself.. just because you have an issue with him! And if while I’m offline you feel the need to bitch about me to Justyn and blame me for god knows what you seriously have big issues.. and Justyn will bite your head off and kick your ass to the curb!
Also I am gay.. and I really don’t care what other people think about it.. honestly I have always been told if they are not family then there opinion doesn’t matter.. to me that is a biggy but I do care about what the people close think about me. That is why if you think that just because I’m gay that I’m going to molest you or some shit like that.. honestly get over yourself.. you aren’t that hot! I’m not into looks I’m into personality and I’m already taken.. if you hate gays don’t tell me.. don’t try and insult me just because of my sexuality because honestly it doesn’t bother me.. you can call me a poof a fag a donut pusher.. any name you can think of I will probably laugh at most of the names you come up with.. but I will honestly not give a damn of what you think about me J
And one last thing! I don’t have agendas.. I don’t like people telling me that I am friends with them because I have an agenda.. what did you contribute to me? What did you do for me? You gave me lindens? Oh I guess the 50,000 lindens I have given you over the times doesn’t count then and the 18,000L I gave you last week was nothing compared to the 1000L you have given me.. You brought me some crap that either looked horrible or was just usless? Oh I guess the stuff that I made just for you didn’t count at all then and the stuff I brought for you I guess that didn’t count.. cause of my agenda.. well I got everything I ‘wanted’ from you so goodbye… NO I can’t stand people who think of me like that.. so if we are ever to become friends do NOT stay in the friendship if you think I have some sort of agenda.. tell me straight out.. I will see if I can prove to you I have no agenda and if there’s no way of proving it then be gone!

Please know that this isn’t for anyone in particular, this is just me letting you know that even though I am a quiet person I do have feelings and emotions. Yes I won’t voice my opinion.. that’s because I have Justyn who will do it for me, yes I won’t defend myself again it’s because I have Justyn and because I hate conflict, I may not talk much even if we hung out every day but I still have feelings and if we are friends and I don’t speak much when we do hang out I do still like to have you around… sometimes though… it is very hard to shut me up J those are the times most like.. but usually I blab on about nothing so I feel everyone gets annoyed with me.. and that is because ever since I was young is was told if you don’t have anything interesting to say don’t say anything at all so I don’t

Anyway I’m done.. no picture for this.. I can’t even think of a tittle.. I should give it a random name to throw people off lol.. I’ll just call it OON FOO FOO… Nooo TE WHA WHA WHEENIE!! Lol noo SHARK BAIT OO HA HA.. lol now all I can think about is Finding Nemo… ESCAPEHH… ill just call it My lil rant ^_^

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