Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Story of Mielikki

Centuries ago this land was filled with shape shifters from the Mizonian tribe. They lived in the forest off the land and worshiped the spirit of the forest Mielikki. She was a beautiful goddess who every spring received gifts from the Mizonian’s as a thankyou for letting them live in the forest. One spring the Mizonian’s could not gift Mielikki because all the food in the forest had gone. They sent hunting parties out in search for food but were unsuccessful in finding any. This made Mielikki sad to see that the Mizonian’s were starving.

The Mizonian’s had no choice but to leave there home in search for a new home were food was plentiful. After they had left Tranquility was very upset, she tried to think of a way to get life back to the land so the Mizonian’s could come back. She stood in one spot for some time holding the Crystal of Spirits in hopes that would help. Mielikki thought for many decades, she thought for so long that she had turned to stone. When she became a statue she found it much easier to think and to hear the other spirits, that’s when she started to sing to bring the land back to life.

Three hundred years had passed and the Mizonian’s had not returned, but Mielikki did not stop singing, the forest around her grew with life. It grew so much it covered her, hiding her from the outside world. After another hundred years a small group of people arrived on the island. They had been drawn in by Mielikkies singing, They cut their way through the forest and found Tranquility wraped in vines and covered in bushes. The strangers cut the vines and cleared the bush from Tranquility she shone the Crystal of Spirits onto them giving them her blessing and that’s when she found the strangers to be decendents of the Mizonian’s who used to live here. The forest then came to life and all the overgrowth grew back, the trees had moved giving them room for them to set up home.

Now Mielikki stands proud on her hill in statue form Singing to the spirit of the forest keeping it alive and making sure the food never runs out again keeping the Mizonian tribe happy and full.

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