Sunday, February 27, 2011

More writting and is Australia a babysat country? lol

Omg! I was looking through my computer cause I’m bored and waiting for stuff to download, and I forgot I was writing a story, if you go through my posts you will see it because I posted some of it in there. But anyway I was reading it and thinking wow this is actually pretty good, though I was laughing. Like I don’t remember even writing this lmao, well I remember writing I just don’t remember what was written, and now the story ran out I’m kind of annoyed at myself for not finishing it. But I remember why I didn’t finish it lol, In the other post I think I mentioned that I wrote this story a long time ago but deleted it, so this is the newer version with edits. And I do remember the part that I’m up to now and it just gets very annoying to write lol I am going to start it up again one day I guess hehe, but yea and the best thing, I finished Joobie’s side and started on Justyn’s side, and when Justyn went to his school, the way I described it was so awesome, I could picture it and it made me really badly want to buy a whole sim in SL and make just that school on the sim haha.

Anyway I have read the other post and will paste what I have written from where I left off. I’ll also put a link just before the story continues to part one of the story so you will know where you are. Slight warning though it is rated.. erm.. PG I guess, parental guidance lol it has .. no actually M I think is the proper rating Mature, it has a mild sex scene, well a mild sex scene according to the nannie Australian county… that’s one more thing before I go ahead and post this…

Me, Justyn and his sister were all talking about this the other day and it is so true. Australia is a pussy country.. like seriously! We have a boarder around us from the internet that blocks certain websites, game and even YouTube videos….. like c’mon… the video we were trying to watch was lady gaga in an egg.. but we couldn’t view it  until the other day because of our stupid border! I can’t remember all the other crap that Australia does, there is a long list like OH we have a curfew… seriously no joke! A curfew… I was out a while back, was like I think 2 or 3am was just walking home from a friends and BAM cops pull me over.. ask me why I’m out so late, ask to look in my bag.. found a lighter lol thought I was a drugo cause of the lighter haha and asked where I lived ( I was latterly 2 steps from the front door) they asked if they called my MOTHER if she would be happy I’m out lol my response ‘she would be pretty pissed off you called her so late just cause you found me outside’ but seriously like OMG we can’t even walk around at night time, we have 9pm is the curfew, not sure if that’s all over aus that was in Sydney when we went to visit. But yea anyway the story!

Remember MATURE audiences if you are in AUS (unless your country things kissing and touching is sex) oh and its between guys so if that like disturbs you or for those strange few who get pissed off about it then don’t read it.. and don’t read it if your just gonna comment hate about it because your comment won’t be shown :P


Joobie wasn’t very tired, he was still feeling very upset from losing his mother, Sarahphena had taken him and Justyn to bed, after she tucked Justyn in she came to tuck Joobie in “Don’t worry Joobie, I will take care of you” she said in her soft voice “Your mother will be back soon” she said as she finished tucking him in “You get some sleep” she said and she kissed him on the forehead. After a few seconds, even though he wasn’t feeling tired his eyes closed and he drifted off into sleep.

The boys grew up together with Sarahphena caring for them, each night Joobie would lie awake and think about his mother and wonder if she will ever come back to him like she had said she would. One night while he was lying awake he heard Justyn tossing in his sleep, he rolled over to watch Justyn sleep as he tried to get some sleep as well. Justyn was lying in his bed across from Joobie’s, his shirt on the floor, Joobie was admiring Justyn’s body, he saw the scar on Justyn’s chest “it happened when I was really young, I don’t remember how” he remembered Justyn telling him, The scar looked like he had been clawed open by rusty sheers, his skin was glowing slightly from the moonlight that was shining through the window. Joobie watched Justyn toss and turn in his sleep and then Justyn sat up straight as if he was shocked out of his dream, Joobie sat up slowly, watching Justyn “are you okay?” he asked as Justyn tried to control his breathing “Justyn?” Joobie asked, and then Justyn started to sob quietly, Joobie got out of his bed and went to sit on Justyn’s bed “it’s okay it was just a dream” he said softly, trying to console Justyn, but it wasn’t working, he was wondering if he should hug Justyn to try and calm him down “I’m fine” Justyn said after a couple of seconds “it was just a bad dream” he said as he was panting, wiping the tears away from his eyes “what was it about?” Joobie asked curiously, Justyn looked at him then, worry filling his face “ a woman” he said quietly, Joobie sighed “Your mother?” he asked, Joobie new that Sarahphena wasn’t Justyn’s mother even without asking him, it was obvious, they looked completely different “I think so” he said, and he started to sob again, Joobie put his hand on Justyn’s shoulder “it’s going to be fine” he said softly not knowing what else to do. Justyn’s sobs cut off again and his breathing levelled out, the two sat in silence for a long moment, Joobie was looking at Justyn’s chest again were the scars were, without thinking he reached out his hand to put it on Justyn’s chest, he softly stroked the scar on Justyn’s chest, feeling each bump and divot the scar had made on his otherwise perfect chest, He then realised what he was doing, he pulled his hand away quickly “sorry” he said as he got to his feet and got back into his own bed “no it’s fine” Justyn said “they are pretty in away” Joobie sighed as his head hit the pillow “yea they are” he said, not wanting to tell Justyn what he really felt, he closed his eyes trying to fall asleep then heard the sound of Justyn’s light snores start up again which made his own sleep come much easier.

The next morning Joobie woke to very hot hands touching his face, he opened his eyes to see Justyn sitting on his bed “your sweating but your freezing cold” he said grinning sheepishly “I didn’t know what else to do” he said as Joobie looked at him “no its fine, it feels nice” Joobie lied, Justyn felt very very hot, but Joobie didn’t mind because it was Justyn touching him, So Justyn placed his hand back on Joobie’s cheek. After a few minutes of silence they both heard approaching footsteps, Justyn got to his feet and walked back over to his bed, Joobie sat up in his bed wiping the sleep away from his eyes. Sarahphena entered the room smiling at the two boys she looked at them both for a few seconds and turned for the sitting room, Joobie took that to mean she wanted them to follow her so he got out of bed and followed Justyn out of the room to the big sitting room. Sarahphena was sitting at the table waiting for the two boys, two chairs had been pulled out from the table, one on each side so Justyn sat on her left and Joobie took the seat on her right. There was a long silence as Joobie waited for her to speak “I cannot talk to you both at the same time so please be patient” she said and Joobie nodded and smiled, he didn’t mind waiting, he was very thankful for everything Sarahphena had done for him and Justyn over the years and was very great full, his thoughts were cut off then “I must send you away to school for 5 years Joobie dear” she said in her soft voice, Joobie was excited to be going away from home, he hadn’t been further then the forest in 9 years so this was going to be very exciting for him “without Justyn or myself, you will be learning of vampires” she spoke very fast but still in a soft voice, this made Joobie upset his eyes started to water, he didn’t want to be away from Sarahphena after all that she had done for him, and he defiantly didn’t want to be away from Justyn, he wondered if he was ever going to see their faces again “You will be coming back Joobie love, You just need to learn of vampires for a few years” she said in her soft voice, Joobie wiped the tears away from his eyes and looked to Justyn who was looking away “when do we leave?” Joobie said, not bothering to ask in his thoughts “You leave tonight” she said after a few seconds. “when dose Justyn leave?” Joobie asked then this time in his thoughts, a few moments passed before Sarahphena spoke again “in a few hours” Joobie nodded then “You both need to go pack” she said as she got to her feet, Justyn got to his feet as well and made his way to the bedroom, Joobie slowly followed.

When they got into the room Justyn walked to his bed and sat down, Joobie closed the door behind him and followed to sit next to Justyn, they sat in silence for a few minutes, both thinking of being separated after so long, for 5 years. “wow” Justyn said “yea, wow” Joobie said, not knowing what else to say “I don’t want to do” Justyn said “Yea I don’t ..” Joobie started but he didn’t finish, he didn’t know how, ‘I don’t want to go without you? How would that sound’ he though  “I know” Justyn sighed, Joobie wondered if Justyn felt the same way, do they both have feelings for each other. Joobie then let out a laugh which made Justyn jump “what is so funny?” he asked looking a little annoyed “well” Justyn said still giggling “it’s just.. I don’t know how to say it” Joobie said, and all the laughter was gone “I.. I’m going to miss you” he said looking to his feet, not meeting Justyn’s gaze  “I’m gonna miss you too buddy” he said after a few minutes and nudged Joobie’s arm, Joobie sighed and got his feet “well we had better start packing” he said and walked over to his bed. “You know what I’m going to miss most?” Justyn said before Joobie got to his bed “I’m going to miss how you watch me sleep” he said with a grin, Joobie was shocked “I thought you hated me when I did that?” he said trying to fight a smile “I say I do, but I really like it” Justyn said quietly, Joobie couldn’t help but smile, he liked that Justyn was opening up to him finally, he walked back over and sat next to Justyn again “You know what I’m going to miss the most” he said as he sat down “Waking up with your hand on my face and that stupid smile” he said laughing, Justyn grinned “yep that’s the one” Joobie said still laughing, Justyn joined in then. A few seconds when by as their laugher got quieter, Joobie felt un comfortable in the silence, he was about to get up when Justyn threw his arms around Joobie’s waist and hugged him “I’m really gonna miss you” he said, Joobie’s heart skipped a beat, he felt his breathing quicken, he wrapped his arms around Justyn and tried to steady his breathing “I’m going to miss you too” he said quietly, his heart started to race as Justyn leaned back, his arms still around Joobie’s waist, they both stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, then Justyn shook his head and took his arms from Joobie’s waist, Joobie dropped his arms and got to his feet. They packed their bags in silence and after half an hour they were all packed up, Joobie took his seat on his bed and Justyn sat down on his own bed “I’m sorry about before” Joobie said to break the silence “it’s just, when I’m around you..” he said but he didn’t want to finish “yea I know” Justyn said “I feel it too” he looked to Joobie and smiled “so why are we fighting it?” Joobie said “because we don’t want to hurt mum” Justyn said, Joobie was used to Justyn referring to Sarahphena as mum, after all she had raised him, so it was natural for him to call her mum “but she would understand, she probably knows anyway!” Joobie said laughing now, it would make sense, she dose read tarot’s and see the future “Yea, that’s true, but I don’t want to hurt her” Justyn said quietly, Joobie got to his feet and walked over to sit on Justyn’s bed, Justyn looked at Joobie when he spoke “I think mum would be hurt if we didn’t” Joobie said and he leaned in to put his lips to Justyn’s, Justyn did not resist, Joobie felt Justyn’s soft lips against his, Justyn’s lips were very warm and Joobie couldn’t help but kiss him more and more, Justyn kissed Joobie back and then reached around to pull Joobie on top of him, Joobie liked this very much, he slowly moved his hand down from Justyn’s chest, but before he could get much lower Justyn stopped kissing him “we shouldn’t” he said “not yet, not till… after” he said softly, Joobie frowned but understood what he meant, after they had been apart, after they had time to think, time to miss each other. Joobie climbed off Justyn and walked over to his trunk which he had packed and left at the foot of his bed. “your ride will be here soon” he called over to Justyn “I’ll be out in a bit” he said, Joobie nodded and walked with his trunk out to the sitting room.

Joobie sat at the table with Sarahphena who had a smile on her face and her hands placed over some tarot cards, he knew to be quiet when she was reading so he would not break her concentration so instead he sat in silence trying not to think about what had just happened in the room with Justyn but it was very very hard not to think about it. After about 10 minutes Justyn walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him, breaking Sarahphena’s concentration and causing Joobie to jump “you okay?” Joobie asked, Justyn didn’t look like he was angry “Sorry Sarahphena” he said after a few seconds, there was another silence “yea I know any minute now” he said sourly, he didn’t have to be mean to Sarahphena, even if she was sending us away, I’m sure she has a good reason. Joobie looked out the window then, he could hear the clicking and clacking of horses approaching , he knew that this was Justyn’s carriage, he watched as Justyn took his trunk and walked for the door, Sarahphena followed after him, when they got outside Joobie got to his feet and followed after them. When he got outside he saw that the carriage had stopped just outside the door, Justyn was standing in front of it waiting for Joobie, the carriage was big and grey, the rider was a cloaked man who Joobie couldn’t see properly but could tell he was smoking a pipe, the horses that were pulling the carriage were beautiful black stallions. Joobie stopped to see Justyn turn around and face him and Sarahphena, he took a step towards Sarahphena and hugged her “I’m going to miss you so much” he said sobbing softly after a few moments he let go of her and looked to Joobie, Joobie couldn’t help himself, he warped his arms around Justyn’s waist “I’m going to miss you” Joobie said “I’ll miss you too” Justyn whispered “I love you” Joobie whispered back, very softly so Sarahphena wouldn’t hear, Justyn nodded and took a step back “well, see you in a few” he said still sobbing and got into the carriage. Joobie stood with Sarahphena and they watched as the carriage rode off with Justyn in the back waving out the window.

Joobie and Sarahphena stood together watching as the carriage disappeared into the distance, after a couple of minutes they both made their way inside to wait for Joobie’s carriage.



okay well i still need to clear some more junk off my computer, i'll put a poll up about australia being babysat and comment more about that later :P 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Relay For Life Products

So the Relay For Life is coming up soon, I think it starts in a couple of days, I actually have to read the note cards lol but yes so it starts soon and Justyn and I decided to start making some products to sell at the RFL. I am only going to show pictures of the things I have made, which was erm a necklace, a ring, men's underpants, a shirt and a tattoo.

I’m not going to be putting them up for sale in our marketplace shop or our in world shop, instead were going to put them up at the RFL when we get a stall and the RFL box thing so every sale from those boxes all the profit goes to RFL.

Anyway if you see something you like anything here just lemme know and I’ll pass you over a copy so you can show that you support ^_^ other than that I have absolutely nothing to write because I woke up like an hour ago so my brain still isn’t functioning!!! So I guess I’ll put these pics up and write more later.

(photos look crap I know I just done them)

I forgot about the tattoo i made lol. But yea these are the pics, and I will be reading the Note Cards I got for it to find out when it starts and what goes on annnnd find out if im gonna be auctioned off with Justyn XP

Friday, February 25, 2011

slow net-horses-meeroos and HAMBURGERS!!!

slow internet for two days.. I guess its not that bad though, when this net is slow we can both be on, its just laggy and i don't like dealing with lag, and we can't leave the land lol. but 200 gigs lasts a whole month which is great!! only sucky thing is that we have only used 170 gig of our net and it has slowed down. Justyn rang up and asked what was going on and they said we capped out usage. but eh im just happy it capped two days before speed up so it doesn't really matter =D

Been playing a different game to get inspiration to build stuff, for a forest on our sim. Our sim is very odd lol, we have had it two months and it has changed these every week, by the time we finish building we want a new these, but we have wanted the theme were building ever since we started SL.. i guess the reason we have gone through so many others is because it's our first sim so we just wanted to experiment XD

But yes and also I figured why those pictures wouldn't upload the other day, not just because their so big but also because of the net lol so i guess they will be uploaded when the net speeds up XD and yea i don't know what else to write haha, im hungry and justyn has gone to cook up some hamburgers for lunch!!... why are they called hamburgers whhen they are made from beef??

oh I guess i can explain in more detail about the horses, so many people have given up on them because of their barbie doll appearance but it's not just that, it's also the way the company (Amaretto) treats it's customers! In the group chat they said "we like our horses and if you don't then don't buy them" ....... seriously..... you actually told us not to bother with your shit anymore.. and they are so rude to the customers, a friend of mine had a sick horse that got sick over night, she got help from Amaretto and they called her retarded............. like c'mon really do they want their buisness to fail? the horses don't even sell anymore and they are a big (and only) income for some people on SL! Justyn is trying to get rid of all his long main long tailed whcih is sad cause their the only horses he ever wanted, and he is selling them pretty cheap but no one will buy them lol

Just sad how this has all turned out, but apparently a new company is making breedable horses, i told justyn but he dosn't think he would get into them ( i think he will) and even better than that an entirely new breedable animal is comming out!! the Meeroo XD we are going to start breeding them because they look so adorable!!!

anyway justyn has finished cooking and my stomache is now screaming at me!! sooooooooooo good bye so long to you my friends....... yea i know im cool ilike that!

*flashes a random*

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some more piccies

October our daughter! She is a little angel in disguise 

The new look of Joobie

I have tons more pictures but they are way to big to upload and I can't be bothered editing them lmao but yes Justyn and I have a daughter now, and Joobie has a brand new look. 

I had a picture of our shops ready to show but couldn't upload like i said, I own Snuggli Puff pets and justyn owned Candy Land pets. We sell breedable pets, We used to only sell horses but not anymore. Speaking of horses they have had this new update and now they look like crap! They looekd much better before, They have really crappy sculpts that don't merge at all and they look like barbi doll horses.. and the way they sleep is really weird too, it looks like they have died!!! 

Anyway I can't think of anything to write but yeaaahh have fun <3

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cancer foundation for PHC

So my boss, and friend, Kiki asked me to make a shirt for the cancer walk. She asks all her workers (about 20 or 30) and all her tenants (about 50 or 60) to join us on a walk, they wear the company logo and rais money for the foundation since our Kiki is a breast cancer survivor. She told us last year that over 150 people did the walk and I though just making a shirt wasn't really good enough sooo i made an outfit lol :)) here is the finishing results, enjoy!

ignore my kitty factory background lol

Front View

Back View


weekly goin ons

So as promised I would write about my weekly adventures here on SL. So the week went pretty good I guess. I started roleplaying in a forest lol, I enjoy role play so it can be a lot of fun but at times it can be boring. I play as a dark fae or fairy. First I was a drow but I saw fae and wanted to be one without giving up my darkness lol. A member of the forest group gave me some help to write out my story and when Justyn gets an outfit and new skin etc we will join their group.

Justyn and I also did our shops at mombi up. I own a pet shop called Snuggli Puff pets and he owns a shop called Candyland Breedables lol the shops look very girly but they look really cool aswell.. I wont add a pica of the shops lol

People are getting confused when I talk about my going to uni and to tafe. That is usually my fault I kind of rush over the topic because I don’t like talking about RL stuff BUT I will try to explain here. I go to tafe. Yes tafe, but what happens is because we live in such a small town there are some things we can’t learn so once a month we get sent away to learn in Adelaide. I go to Adelaide for the day and learn more complex stuff yada yada yada.. I am learning compu engineering ^_^ if youd on’t understand or don’t believe or w/e oh well im not explaining any further :)

I can’t really think about anymore to type really lol so enjoy some pretty pics of weekly events!

my puppehs

Dark Fae Joobs

they are all the picss i have of this week lol :)) enjoy