Wednesday, March 9, 2011

RFL & more .. yes another rant ^.^

I figured before I go do some cleaning I would write something ^.^ and that something is how annoyed am with this relay for life…. Okay sure I am taking a break from SL but that was only a recent decision.. I gave out relay for life products to everyone on my friendslist.. that like maybe 20 people.. I gave one set out full perm to my old boss who was going to sell them for the charity and I sent her a note asking if there was anything else I could do to let me know (mainly I wanted to be auctioned off lol) SO how many thankyou’s did I get from all the RFL stuff I sent out that KNOWONE asked for? 3….. 4 if you include uncle bill (aunty emma’s partner) who isn’t on my friendslist so I don’t include that lol not to be mean.. and the chick who I started making all this stuff for didn’t thank me at all.. she didn’t even ask for any of it.. all she asked for was a shirt and I made a whole outfit and accessories to go with it and I don’t get a thankyou .. I don’t even get a hello…. Like I know it was all for charity and all but still a thankyou would be nice! BUT it’s to late now because im so over it. Next year I will be going with some chick who isn’t really a friend but an acquaintance and she is really ncie and offered to auction me off and take all my stuff to sell etc lol and that’s all I really wanted! Anyway I have gotten a lot of offline msgs about why I am taking a break from SL, I haven’t been on sicne I made the decision but I have had all my IM’s forwarded to my email ^.^ and I promise I will tell you everything Monday evening.. until then I guess you could stalk me on Gaia or Facebook ^.^

Monday, March 7, 2011

Taking a break =[

I can’t think of a thing to write . . .

So I don’t think I’ll write anything . . .

But it’s been awhile since I have written sooo I guess I can think of something to write . . .

Some of you may know I’m taking a little break from SL >.<

RL has just gotten a little hectic atm (hectic is erm.. full) so yea I need to have a break to straighten things out!

I will try my absolute best to write blogs, they will probably be pretty far apart though =[

I’m sorry to everyone who’s plans have been screwed up because of my change and all . . . but RL comes first in some cases and I would say this case is pretty important . . .

I will explain more on Monday ^.^

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Joobie Gandt & Face Book

So Joobie finally has a FB.. Yes it has taken me awhile to make one, and so many people have requested to add me so i finally decided to make one!!

Here it is!

Click it, add it, love it!!

I don't have anything interesting to write about lol.. i just finished dinner and i ate to much as usual so i feel pretty sick haha thats about as interesting as i can be for the moment ^.^

Anyways i guess i'll post later :))

Oh one annoucnement though, there is a change comming... thats all you will know till the day it happens... well the evening it happens cause ill be away from the net that day <3

Christians and the Gay community

So as I said before I was gonna tell you about something I read. I read this on a forum site called Gaia online there the link if you wana check it out. I have been a member with them since I was 13 an it’s pretty good, anyway they have a lifestyle discussion forum and I real something that pissed me off very much lol.

It was titled Why do people hate fanatic Christians. And it said a lot like, Christians love everyone for who they are, they don’t treat people badly in any way what so ever and there much better than atheist who don’t contribute to society in anyway at all….

I am an Atheist and I contribute A LOT. I do a lot of charity in real life and second life. I help out with people in any way I can, even if I don’t know them I like to help! And then I started thinking about the we love everyone remark and don’t discriminate or hate…

Just before reading this forum I read one titled Should gays be allowed to married in a  Christian church.. and all the Christians who posted said gays are an abomination and one guy even said they should do what the Nazis did to the Jews and round up all the gays and stick em in the gas chambers….. like are you fking serious.. where is the love there? No discrimination? Unless your gay, or you don’t believe in what we believe in.. well what if your religion is wrong? And the Muslims have it right? Then what? When the day of reckoning comes you pray to your god who in turn is the devil and you end up in hell?

I have met a lot of Christians.. like A LOT and very very very few like gays.. and the ones that do like gays hate on them behind their backs.. so where is the love? There is no love, our world today is filled with hate and there is nothing you can do about it except ignore it, be who you are and live the way you want to live.

And now im pissed off again lol soooooooooo I’m going to have to go cool down <3

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Relay for life

So relay for life started up yesterday! March the First. And I have passed over all my products to keera so she can put it up for sale in one of the relay Vendors which is great so all the money made from those Products will go straight to the Relay For Life foundation!

I am also going to see what else I can do to help, I have to ask Keera since she is our leader for the relay for life group lol but hopefuly I can put myself up for auction like I was told XD I sent out my RFL products too a couple people on my friends list too, but they wern't full perm ones like what I sent too ki. But I did it because I like to give stuff away lol

I jumped on SL to see if Ki was online but she wasn't so hopefully later she will be online and let me know what else I can do, because I really want to be auctioned off lol I wana know how much joobie is worth! I know that they auction a few people off for half a million lindens.. i don't think im worth that much though lol, maybe like 10$L? lol nooo i think like 5000$L maybe a little more haha

Anyway I gotta head out for a bit, joobie will have a new FB when I get back ill link it and also i have something really funny to bitch about ^.^ soooooo till later ♥


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When I say Babysat

When I say Australia is babysat i mean were being watched and protected from all the bad thing in the world that are out to get us! For example, our cops, duno if this is the same everywhere but our cops can not use there guns unless it is a life or death situation, like if someone is ... err .. holding a gun to a babies head? id say, even then I don't think they would use their gun lol.

I can't really explain it very well even though I was up all night thinking about it, then i started thing how people say Aus has the worlds hottest guys.. bahaha I was thinking that might be true, but the guys (most of the gay ones) are all pussies when it comes to... 'play time' i won't go into detail but it's just very sad..

Anyway you can probably tell I just woke up lol so I'm gona wake up some more and post something later, I'll think about this Aussies being babysat thing and if i can come up with more I'll write about it :P

This is what boredom Does!!

It causes me to do odd things, and in turn forces Joobie into Uncomfortable ... positions? lol no uncomfortable situations was the word I was looking for..

This is only short, like not even 30sec short but is funny, well funny to me, is Joobie dancing on the roof, the dance is pretty funny.. would never be able to pull it off IRL :(

Enjoy ^.^

Like you know what ever...

I completeley forgot about leap years and how Febuary is the only month taht doesnt get 30 days! Its already march! Not only that but it's Mardi Gras tomorrow in sydney :( atleast im pretty sure its tomorrow, its this week anyway! the first something of march lol but last time i went to mardi gras was 3 years ago :( and i really wanted to go this year damnit! I always have so much fun, last time i went a drag queen showed me his boob and it fell out and rolled away bahahaha silly drunks *shakes head* but yar and then OMFG and then its the sydney royal eastershow and are you ready for this.... IM NOT GOING *cries* I haven't been to the eastershow in 5 years, it may seem like a kiddy thing but it's not really, okay maybe it is, they have showbags and petting zoos and like HUNDREDS of rides!!!!!!!! and there are sooooooooooo many new ones that I won't get to go on!! and ill have to wait another year so i can tell myself i am going only to dissapoint myself yet again haha

anyway yea so like you knowwww what everrr... i watched some weird movie today can't remember what it was called, and I went to go *thinks* were did i go.... i went somewere.. i don't even remember were lol so it can't have been that interesting... OH!! i went shoppign thats right!! and i was looking aroudn for something and instead found myself a really kewl pair of underwear lmaaooo.. no i will not show you! geez .. they pink lol bonds underpants cost 18$AUS but so worth it haha

an yar i seriously can't think about anything else atm other than how utterly bored i am now and how p*ssed off I am at the stupid mardi gras and eastershow being on now so im going to have smoke and maybe eitehr go to bed or keep playing SL... i know i know smokers are jokers... probly why i am so damn funny bahaha okay lol buh bye ❤