Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Relay for life

So relay for life started up yesterday! March the First. And I have passed over all my products to keera so she can put it up for sale in one of the relay Vendors which is great so all the money made from those Products will go straight to the Relay For Life foundation!

I am also going to see what else I can do to help, I have to ask Keera since she is our leader for the relay for life group lol but hopefuly I can put myself up for auction like I was told XD I sent out my RFL products too a couple people on my friends list too, but they wern't full perm ones like what I sent too ki. But I did it because I like to give stuff away lol

I jumped on SL to see if Ki was online but she wasn't so hopefully later she will be online and let me know what else I can do, because I really want to be auctioned off lol I wana know how much joobie is worth! I know that they auction a few people off for half a million lindens.. i don't think im worth that much though lol, maybe like 10$L? lol nooo i think like 5000$L maybe a little more haha

Anyway I gotta head out for a bit, joobie will have a new FB when I get back ill link it and also i have something really funny to bitch about ^.^ soooooo till later ♥


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