Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When I say Babysat

When I say Australia is babysat i mean were being watched and protected from all the bad thing in the world that are out to get us! For example, our cops, duno if this is the same everywhere but our cops can not use there guns unless it is a life or death situation, like if someone is ... err .. holding a gun to a babies head? id say, even then I don't think they would use their gun lol.

I can't really explain it very well even though I was up all night thinking about it, then i started thing how people say Aus has the worlds hottest guys.. bahaha I was thinking that might be true, but the guys (most of the gay ones) are all pussies when it comes to... 'play time' i won't go into detail but it's just very sad..

Anyway you can probably tell I just woke up lol so I'm gona wake up some more and post something later, I'll think about this Aussies being babysat thing and if i can come up with more I'll write about it :P

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