Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big Change

Well as many of you have heard, Justyn and I are moving states IRL! So unfortunatly that means we will have to take a break from SL, but when we get back everything will fall back into place! And I have some great ideas for when we get back! But they will remain a secret till I get back.... maybe not with Justyn, it depends on how long I can keep my mouth shut ^_^ but yes in 3 days we will be moving and it will be great! 25th of november! exactly one month from christmass!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Creative Block

I have a creative block, I am stuck thinking of what I should create next in the world of second life, I need ideas.. usually they are flooding ina nd I can't keep up with myself but recently I have been blocked!! .. hmm What to do xD

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The one product I sell the most!

I think it's funny, the first product I made is my biggest seller! Maybe because it's so cheap, but i'm not sure all I know is it's the one thing I have made that has sold more then 20 copies of SO I decided to drop the price to 5$L for a week soooo if you want it for cheap you best hurry and snap it up before the price bumps back up to 10$L ^.^

Click Here and get it while it's cheap!! 


Other then all that im hungry now, So I guess i'm going to make some food, take a small break from this exciting jam packed day! I am working ona  picture for Momma Morning still, Still fixing up the background but once that is doneit will be better then picture perfect ^.^

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Delilia Enyo

An amazing photographer Delilia Enyo. If you are ever in need of a professional photo you should definatly look her up, But a much better way to get a photo shoot with Del is to search for A Touch of Glamour and book an appointment with her!

She is the best photographer I have met in SL and is helping me make my pictures just as sexy! She is fun and makes photo shoots not only professional but alot of fun aswell!

Love you tons Del
Your secret number one fan xD

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Family

We are a proud family full of magic, wonder and wizdom. We are each different and special in our own way. Travellers and explorers.

Morningstar, You are an amazing woman, both strong in heart and in mind. You are my rock. You adopted me and showed me your love and I have never looked back, I love you with my heart and soul. We talk for hours and explore the world, I am your protector and you are mine, I would have casterated blue balls if he haden't run away like a sissy :)  I love you so much Mommy morning and I know you feel the same for me.

Justyn, In the physical relm we are one, in the virtual world we are one, I love you with all my heart. You are the love of my life and you know it, there is nothing I woulden't do for you ( no im not going to get you a drink ) I would swim the ocean to be with you, I would dive off a cliff if it ment saving your life. In four years our love has grown stronger and I can only hope that in the years to come our love will keey growing stronger.

Both of you know I love you deeply with all my heart and that there is nothing that will change my love for you both. We are all one in the same are are proud and flirtasious divas! And thats the way we like it! Nothing and no one can change who we are and how we are because we just are.


The Story of Mielikki

Centuries ago this land was filled with shape shifters from the Mizonian tribe. They lived in the forest off the land and worshiped the spirit of the forest Mielikki. She was a beautiful goddess who every spring received gifts from the Mizonian’s as a thankyou for letting them live in the forest. One spring the Mizonian’s could not gift Mielikki because all the food in the forest had gone. They sent hunting parties out in search for food but were unsuccessful in finding any. This made Mielikki sad to see that the Mizonian’s were starving.

The Mizonian’s had no choice but to leave there home in search for a new home were food was plentiful. After they had left Tranquility was very upset, she tried to think of a way to get life back to the land so the Mizonian’s could come back. She stood in one spot for some time holding the Crystal of Spirits in hopes that would help. Mielikki thought for many decades, she thought for so long that she had turned to stone. When she became a statue she found it much easier to think and to hear the other spirits, that’s when she started to sing to bring the land back to life.

Three hundred years had passed and the Mizonian’s had not returned, but Mielikki did not stop singing, the forest around her grew with life. It grew so much it covered her, hiding her from the outside world. After another hundred years a small group of people arrived on the island. They had been drawn in by Mielikkies singing, They cut their way through the forest and found Tranquility wraped in vines and covered in bushes. The strangers cut the vines and cleared the bush from Tranquility she shone the Crystal of Spirits onto them giving them her blessing and that’s when she found the strangers to be decendents of the Mizonian’s who used to live here. The forest then came to life and all the overgrowth grew back, the trees had moved giving them room for them to set up home.

Now Mielikki stands proud on her hill in statue form Singing to the spirit of the forest keeping it alive and making sure the food never runs out again keeping the Mizonian tribe happy and full.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It has been awhile..

Soooo I got distracted and pulled away from my blog!! Can you really blame me?! Second life is addictive ^.^ But im here now so stop complaining :D I have been building like a machien haha and selling and shopping xD I brought myself a shoulder pet monkey I named him Momo ^.^

Thats me with Momo haha he is so cute, He throws stuff at people and he kisses me, he sleeps and he eats haha he is adorable xD I also made a tattoo but I don't have a picture of that, I made one for me at first as a suprise to Justyn but he saw it so I made him one aswell, Mine says I belong to Justyn and Justyn Says I belong to Joobie.. I should have made it say Momo hahahhaha xD

Also me and Justyn got adopted!! By the most wonderful woman Morning who is a great and fun person we all have so much fun together it is great!

Momma morning and me on my deck that I made! Wich i have sold a few copies off haha and I made some floaty ring thingies for pools and beaches wich are pretty cool and an offsim floaty ring thing wich is awsome! I even made the animation that gets put into them!!

haha I am a lucky guy surrounded by people and monkies who love me xD I love this hammock thingo! But i brought some really cool poseballs for photos with Justyn haha there a little dirty though xD

well it dosen't look that dirty......waittt this is a picture of us on the dinning table xD okay so i havent snapshotted the poseball pick like i thought I did ohhh well!! anywhoz i need cook din din cause im starving and justyn is getting hungry too haha soooo two more piccas before I go cook xD

First one is my new profile picca that I was fooling around photo shop with to make and the secondone Justyn made somehow and he has never been able to recreate a picture like that EVER!! hahah

Wellll ill try write another blog ASAP <3

Monday, October 11, 2010

Change's for the good

Alot has changed in just a few hours, I think in an earlier post I wrote about me changing my style to cyberpunk! xD

I brought myself a new skin & shape, I had Justyn help me out, he showed me a great place to buy young skin & shapes, I got a really good looking outfit from the same place Justyn got his awsome outfit And I built myself a house!

Only think about my house is it looks more steampunk then cyberpunk BUT that dosent really bother me lol it looks very very cool! It took me all day to build, I brought some textures, a script and a huge box of cogs, all wich I could give to Justyn for his houses!

I'm working on an elevator at the moment, and today I learnt how to make a pretty cool looking 1 prim chair without a sculpty map! I love this building school!! You learn basic building skills and advanced building skills!!

Soo this is the product of my building skills! I'm not sure what I'm going to call it just yet!!.. And it's pretty high prims 72 lol.. But it's still a pretty cool place ^.^

Changes for the Good


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Noobies arn't that helpless

I have been playing SL since August, and people don't believe I am a noon because I look good and I no a few tricks!

I have a great teach whom I live with, Justyn! I watch him build and he takes hours because he's such a perfectionist and watching him build I pick up on things ^.^

And the reason I look so good because I have had alot of help finding skin & shape & clothes, that and I actually spend money to look good ^.^

If you don't believe I am new that's completely up to you, I'm just letting it known that I am only a couple months old :)

Noobies arn't that helpless


Marketplace is sooo confusing

Being away from the computer drives me crazy! So I decided to jump on xstreet and grab the Picca and links to my items that I'm selling sooooo

First my Lovers off-sim Deck

Just a simple Deck to put off-sim it has cuddle poseballs so you can sit with your love and watch the water =]

The link


Last but not least my off-sim gazebo!

A gazebo for you and your love to relax off-sim! Has poseballs for you and your love to hold eachother while watching the sun set. Both the gazebo and the deck are phantom so are best used off-sim.

The Link


Soooo yar I'm just so exited about be actually selling stuff haha the Deck is 1$L and the gazebo is 0$L and now I'm thirsty and am thinking of taking a nap xD

Marketplace is soo confusing


Saturday, October 9, 2010

My oh my

Stupid of me to say Joobie will stay the way he is for a long time!! But I did say I was looking for a new style!!

Joobie has had a big change! At first I was going to go all unique and have my style called Joobie, but I've decided to go Sci-fi.. BUT at the moment I'm going to change slowly! I just got this outfit so I'm going to flaunt it a bit!

Also was trying to find a shoulder pet! I found one I'm going to get but that's when I can afford it, I'm going to make one though and I'm going to try and script it, going to take a bit for me to get it hahahaha xD

But for now I'm off to bed 5:40am haha night night 

Jellousy is an ugly color shade of green


The Differenc Between Justyn & Joobie

Drama drama sheez I'm feeling pretty sick -.- so I couldent drag myself to the computer today lol I did jump on sl using the iPhone but all I can do is chat so I got bored of it lol couldent build or anything!

Even though on not on sl I still deal with sl drama I'm not going to write about it. But what I am going to say is if you think m and Justyn are the same people think again!

Justyn can built! He is much more social! H isn't affraid to tell you off if you snap at him! I can't built as good as him no matter how hard I try! I'm not nearly as social as him, you will notice when we are together he dose all the talking and I like it that way, I will say something very now and then but he is more social then me, if you tell me of I will appologize even if I did nothing wrong and I will agree with you, tell him off and he will tell you off right back!

Justyn and I live together! At the moment he plays upstairs an I play downstairs and soon we will be in the same room after I get myself a good laptop! We talk the Same yes because four years together some things tend to catch on! 

So in conclusion don't tell me or Justyn when I'm not aroun to defend it that we are the same person! And don't tell him of for no reason.. Even though I'm nice I will tell you of .. Even though you would have gotten chewed out by justyn in the first place!

drama drama drama  

Friday, October 8, 2010

The new look of Joobie Gandt! Some have met Joobie already looking like this, but he hasent alway looked this good! Oh no., there was a time he looked different, much mcuh different ^.^

Now he looks like this! His look probly won't change for while a very long while.. Unless I find something much more better looking! I have been looking around though.. I might get something neko!! Go kitty man for ahwile!
What is neko anyway!?! Is it cat or fox? I think it's kitty man/woman but the tail looks for foxy .. And if it is fix why do they have furries then?

Very very odd haha but yar Joobie will be smexy for a long time! Less I go neko then he will look like a smexy kitty man haha

Joobie Gandt Changes


Inspiring insperation

Sure enough my nameless house is complete, but it still looks a little boring sooo to make room for my exciting new profect I demolijed my dock! Now in the bathroom I have a fishtank!! I was thinking of what would look cool in the hole I had in the wall and it hit me!!

Sure enough there are no fish just yet, and the sea weed I made.. But it's a start!! Also after 2 hours of figuring out how to sell on xstreet I managed tp put my dock up!! After I figured I needed a magic box it was simple!! 

I put my dock as a freebie and sold 19 versions! Then I thought I should bump the price up soo I changed it to 5$L I sold another 15!! so I decided to make another off-sim object!

A gazebo!! I built it added a couple o pose balls and voiala a pretty off sim couples gazebo, I put that on xstreet straight away for 5$L also and logged out xD can't wait to login again and see how much money I'll make!!

I will be adding pictures in my next blog, I wasent smart enough to take some pictures before I logged off and I won't be online for a couple of days, unless I do get the chance to log on! But now it's 5:20am and I need sleep! Night night bloggerz

inspiring inspiation


Noobie Joobie Paradise

Finally Noobie Joobie Paradise is complete!
Sure enough the house I built wich I still have not yet named is very high prim (100 prims) and the dock I have for me and my love Justyn to sit on and watch the sunrise is also very high prim (12 prims) wich leaves me with 4 prims to furnish my house haha!

I really do not mind :) my house looks great compared to others I have built, and my offsim dock is awsome! So I guess i'll keep my emty house up untill I can get a bigger piee of land to furnish ^.^ but it still really dosen't bother me because I have the house of my dreams... now I just need a name >.<

                                     (( Joobie Waits for Justyn to come watch the sunrise ))

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Love & My Life

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

The love of both my lives, of all my lives Justyn <3 Four long years it has been, four glorious years, each day gone by so fast as if in the blink on an eye. Sure we have our fights, but what relationship doesent? My mother and father have spend every day together for 20 years they fight like crazy yet they ate in love. You take all my flaws you accept me for who I am. We can talk for hours about absolutley nothing, in 4 years we have spent 3 days apart!  People would laugh and say it won't last! Give it a few months and you will be sick if eachother, 4 years and your still not sick of me and I'm not sick of you!  Justyn you are the love of my life, I was born to be with you, and when you read this.. I hope you didn't ask me to read it out loud to you haha <3 My Love & My Life


Randomness ?

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Picture is a couple days old.. I have a new hair and I have changed my shape a smidge! BUT I thought I would post this pic since I changed the look of my blog lawl



Monday, October 4, 2010

Jooby Gandt Reborn

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Soo Joobie Gandt huh? Who would have thunk it?! Harhar Who is Joobie really? He is I guess an extention of me in a way, he looks better then I do though haha

Were did the name Joobie come from?! Well my boyfriends sister always calls him a Joobs.. Eventually I started using the word and though Joobie would be a cool name ^.^

What dose joobs mean? In the urban dictionary it has two meanings. Meaning number one is - A noob who sucks at every game he plays, Meaning number two is - a super monkey born in a lab wich is in the middle of a cake thy he destroys with his fart.. So I gues I'm a super noob monkey ^.^

Dose Joobie have a special lady friend? Hahaha no.. Joobie likes the men! Partner for secondlife and real life, Justyn <3

Any special words for your readers? Yep .. YAWWNN am soooo tired I should go back to sleep and I will haha :)



6.42am woke up to do some beautiful blogging!! Only to find.. DUN DUN DUUUNNN.. Were the heck have all my blogs gone?? It's like they have all been deleted...

Well in a way I don't mind really.. I mean, sure I'm a little eh about it since it wad all my hard work.. But at the same time I'm not bothered.. Still waking up haha xD

but the reason I'm nit that bothered is because my actual secondlife has been changed so to has my blog sooo

Joobie Gandt a new beginning xD