Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chitter chatter and stalkers ^_^

Today is pretty cold, well its warm, not as hot as yesterday atleast. But something weird was happening, well weird to Justyn & me. We were wondering why it was so quiet last night even though it was very windy, so we open the door and look outside, and the wind was blowing towards us, and all the clouds were low and moving away from us! They were all moving to a huge dark cloud and there was no lightning or anything. I was expecting it to storm, but it didn’t .

So anyway I have finally changed my blog background and the header thingy with some help from my friend Chey who told me how to change the header thingy ^_^ so now I am finally happy.. even  though we are still on slow internet, but only for 6 – 9 days if our internet modem doesn’t get here by then we still have our 12gigs that will speed up on the 28th xD

Anyway I can’t really think of anything to write.. nothing interesting has happened since I woke up which was an hour ago ^_^ so yar nipple cripple :O oh oh I also contacted everyone who I put on my stalker list.. when I jump on SL I’ll be able to see their answers.. I tried to comment them but stupid net.. yarrr

ohhhh and i have put a picca on the Breedable horse post so go take a look ^_^

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