Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Second Addiction

I am soooo BORED! Stupid Telstra.. I am so sick of Telstra lol.. first they say ‘no your not eligibal for 200gigs take 12 gigs instead’ as if 12 gigs would last us.. then they say ‘yes you are eligibal for 200gigs’ NOW they say ‘oh btw you haven’t been connected because your house is still connected’
Seriously.. why didn’t they tell us before? Lol it’s the same as the 12 gigs.. why give us that when we can get 200 gigs?! I say it’s because their greedy and want more money.. I told Justyn that and he tells me Its not that because we told them were not fussed on price.. it’s just random too because 12 gigs is much much more expensive than 200gig.. why the hell can’t Australia have unlimited? Seriously it doesn’t make sense.. you can’t say it’s because were too small because we have enough people.
I’m just annoyed cause I have so much I want to make on SL but I can’t get on, so I think okay I’ll play another game.. I would jump on the Sims but every time I do I just get annoyed because I want to play SL so I jump on Oblivion.. then I think about textures and see glitches in the game that remind me of prims!
I swear I’m losing my mind, I would ask Justyn to jump off and let me play, but he gets so angry when he is bored so instead when he asks me to look at something he created and grin and bare it, but it really doesn’t bother me about that because I want to be online with him so we can go exploring instead of staying on our sim and looking at the same thing..
Tomorrow we are going down to the Telstra shop and showing our lease so they know we own the house and they can cancel the contract that the old owner had on this house so they can hurry up and send out our internet.. hopefully if it all works out we will have our fast net in 5 days.. and with Justyn’s speaking skills and hopefully his sex appeal they will speed up our net till then…

Speaking of his sex appeal it actually has worked to our advantage before, last time Telstra screwed us over on our iPhones he flirted with the Telstra guy and BAM two free iPhones xD so maybe if I get him to wear something sexy… ill have to dig around a lot lol.. I would try but I would screw up somehow hahaha WELL I feel a little better now, even though my SL obsession is still there I will figure something out to do…for 6 days… *sigh*

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