Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mucha do about nothin ^_^

Sooo as I sat down to right this blog I WAS ATTACKED!! BY A HUGE CRICKET WITH FANGS AND FOAM AT THE MOUTH!!... okay so it was like the size of my thumb.. STILL!! But never the less Justyn came to my rescue and picked the cricket up and took it outside. Ever since I was a kind I have been terrified of bugs.. no matter what bug it is I am horrified by them! Hell even butterflies scare me! I mean butterflies!!! Flies don’t scare me, or mosquitos  but yea and it was all because when I was child I got my shots as every kid does, and they cause you to hallucinate.. my hallucination was a little extreme.. I was in bed with my mother and when I woke she was covered in cockroaches and all sorts of bugs and when she spoke cockroaches came out of her mouth and the whole house was covered in bugs.. only thing that didn’t freak me out was the giant snake that was in the bed .. but that’s cause it was eating the bugs lol.. since then I have been horrified of bugs.. Justyn knows this, and on hot nights our house, no matter how insulated I make it FILLS with bugs! It’s horrible..

Interesting discovery.. about an hour or so ago we heard noises and the lights flickered and stuff.. so I politely reminded Justyn if we get attacked by a ghost I will push him to it so I could escape.. my discovery he was planning to do that to me!! I mean c’mon!! How unfair is that!! I thought of it first!!! So I came up with a plan B! instead of pushing him to the ghost.. I make him run to the door, because we live on the second floor and our stairwell is outside when we get outside instead of running down the stairs I JUMP OFF! Do a commando roll and run like hell!!! When I reach the hospital (( which is conveniently located down the street )) I simplycrawl in since my legs had been broken from the jumping and rolling.. and then BAM im safe from the ghost and Justyn is ‘unkown’ .. I think that’s a good plan lol..

Anyway that’s not what this blog was about lol.. I was on SL for my brief gameplay time.. while Justyn had his shower lol and I was uploading some clothes I made while I was offline.. a new line of underpants I called Kinky-Bumz ^_^ I made them using a template and I made a shirt from scratch one night a long time ago while we had no net and I decided to upload the picture to see how it would turn out… the pica below is the result lol.. looks very sexy for a first creation.. and not even out of balance in connection lol which is great!!

While I was online I was trying to remember something, it had something to do with what I wrote in my last blog before Justyn and I moved.. I wrote how I have a good idea but I was going to keep it secret… stupid me I shouldn’t have kept it secret lol now I can’t remember what it was.. and I didn’t tell Justyn L I think that’s why I am a good person  to tell secrets too because in a few days I have forgotten what the secret was.. Anyway I think the secret was something to do with mine and Justyn’s anniversary.. but I’m not sure.. that or our rez date.. but that’s not for ages now so it has to be our anniversary.. lol Justyn and I share the same anniversary as my mother and father hahaha I thought that was very funny xD

But yea so it’s Friday morning now.. 12.04am lol which means 4 more days till the internet man comes to connect us!! And then 2-5 days after that till we get our modem.. and then its goodbye slow shitty 12 gig that costs us more than 200gig and hello beautiful fast internet that will let us leave our sim and see people who in online in our friends list and see our groups..

That’s really annoying lol.. whenever I log on everyone in my friends list is ??? I have to IM them or check their profile to see their names.. and my groups never show up!! and it takes like 15 minutes to upload pictures.. but that never bothers me because I’m pretty patient.. Justyn gets very upset if it doesn’t upload straight away lol but it is pretty bad on hot days like today we both get very angry lol.. and I now it’s going to be hot tomorrow cause it’s still like 40degrees L stupid weather!! BE COLD DAMNIT!! Lol anywho.. I’m running out of things to type.. so enjoy this picture of Joobie in the shirt I made and the Kinky-Bumz underpants ^_^
Oh oh oh.. I almost forgot.. I caved into my old addiction.. I no falling back into old habits.. actually I got over it pretty quickly lol. The Sims 3. I tried to create Justyn and Joobie but it didn’t go to well.. but I was playing for an hour lol I’ll put those pictures up too.. there’s only a couple so enjoy ^_^

Also I have added a side bar thingy >>>>>> of people I stalk so you should defiantly read them if you haven’t already… thought I probably should have asked them before I did it.. well after this is posted I will ask and whoever says no I will take them down and stalk them privately ^_^ okay  NOW I’m done so enjoy all the picas and yar have a good night/day/morning everyone :D

[[ ill add pics tomorrow cause we have an even worse connection tonight ^_^]]

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