Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unknown Celebration

I totally forgot that today there were going to be fireworks set off in town lol. I only realized cause all the birds outside were going spastic, and when Justyn and I looked towards the town we saw the fireworks hahaha.

Every time I see fireworks I think of Christmas for some reason, and Christmas lights, when it’s Christmas I hate driving around to look at the Christmas light because no one does what I expect. I look on YouTube and find Christmas lights that dance with music and my favourite to this day is always the Mario lights..

Anyway I have no idea what the celebration is today.. I think it’s Australia day but I’m not sure soo HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY (( if it is )) and if not then never mind and Happy  Sunday lol.. anyway off to bed got to go bed early tonight >.<

[[ ill add a pica of the fireworks tomorrow ]]

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