Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What ever happened to scary movies???

 Old picture made by me

Do scary movies even exist anymore? Okay paranormal activity had ONE scary part in it.. and I haven’t seen number 2 yet, but like seriously I haven’t seen a decent scary movie in YEARS!! When I was four my dad let me stay up and watch the chucky movies, they were scary.. then.. and they kind of did traumatise me into hating dolls that the ventriloquists use.. but I think everyone is scared of them dolls. When I was 5 my dad let me stay up and watch all the Freddy movies… those were pretty scary.. still kind of are…KIND OF.. but seriously.. I haven’t seen a GOOD scary movie.. I watched a movie called…erm… Shutter.. I was expecting this movie to be freaky as all hell.. but turns out it was just crap.. Justyn won’t let me watch scary movies at night, especially zombies since he’s horrified of zombies lol but he has his reasons… see even though scary movies don’t scare me, when I walk into the kitchen in the middle of the night with the lights out I freak out.. then I have this horrible feeling when I’m walking back in the room that some freaky zombie or monster is chasing me lol
OMG I just realised a good scary movie I saw a few years ago.. Silent Hill.. lol it was a great scary movie with the dead nurses and the creepy janitor dude.. and when I was a kid Children of the Corn was my favourite scary movie.. now I watch it and its not scary at all.. it’s kind of funny actually lol. Most scary movies I watch are funny to me.. but I do get very angry watching them.. I end up screaming like at that movie.. um… um its Australian… gah.. people go in the outback.. I don’t know what it’s called but they go in the outback and get captured by some random and a chick gets loose and instead of running away she goes back to save her friends.. firstly DON’T GO BACK IDIOT!! Run like hell.. she goes back and he saves one friend and knocks the guy out right.. and instead of beating him till she sees white flesh.. she knocks him down and runs away!! BEAT HIM DEAD WOMAN!!!
A good movie is the cave movie… sheez why can’t I remember the names of movies… hills have eyes… were mutants live in the hills.. its creepy .. but again makes me very angry.. people get away and instead of running AWAY they go back like IDIOTS!! Maybe it’s just me.. I’m more every man for himself.. like once I was out with two of my friends and there was a huge group of people out of no were my idiot friend screams some shit out.. before he could get his first word out I was gone lol.. if I was in a life or death situation with a group of friends I would leave them J even Justyn.. and he knows it lol I have told him many times if I’m going to die because some monster or alien or zombie is chasing me he is not to come near me because I will throw him to them and run.. and thankfully he accepts that…maybe he doesn’t believe me lol
He knows I love him, I would do anything for him, except let a zombie, alien or monster kill me. Anyway.. that was off topic… stupid scary movies.. I don’t even know where this came from im not even watching a scary movie lol I’m sitting here watching Clerks 2 while Justyn plays SL haha ahh well its like 3am here and we have to go to Telstra so I’m going to see if I can get to sleep ^_^

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