Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our move and this stupid Heat

I had a secret to do on SL when we got back online… we moved from Sydney to a small town… explain heat and head spins… ANDDDD WRITE….

ITS HOT so I decided  to write.. first off something to explain. When I say it’s hot the people from America that I talk to ask me how hot and I say 40 degrees Cel.. they sound shocked! What is the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius?.. when I get too hot every time I stand I get head spins, this is why I hate hot weather.. and I finished cooking and ate noodles COVERED in chilli… I mixed my bowl with Justyn’s… so now its double hot! I will roll a smoke and continue writing because I read my blog and realised I never explained what happened while Justyn and I were moving xD

Okay so.. firstly most of you know Justyn and I had to move IRL from the big city of Sydney to a small rural country town.. Justyn and I have been travelling Australia. We started in Sydney, which is my home town.. and then moved to Adelaide for a few months, then up to Uluru for 6 months which was my favourite place, then to Justyn’s home town for 6 months then back to Sydney for 6 months now back to the small town while we save for our trip to Canada!

SO we moved from Sydney on the 25th of November. Before we jumped on the plane to Adelaide we brought crispy cream donuts *drool* then off to Adelaide.. four hours on a plane which was boring and uncomfortable.. then sitting in Adelaide airport for 4 hours.. which was okay cause we had our laptops for entertainment and Hungry Jacks for food lol then off for an hour on the plane to the small town we are in now!

This place is notorious for having huge bush fires ever year around summer.. and its surprising that this year we haven’t had one.. it’s funny because it’s been cold until Justyn says were getting an air con then it gets hot.. anyway we have been here for 2 months now just working and saving for the Canada trip and it’s going really well thank god!

Anyway I can’t think of anything else to write.. its firkin hot and I’m full and I can’t think lol.. I’m going to make up some more pictures.. I have a good one for this post, but it is pretty old.. still enjoy! ^_^

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