Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What kind of music do you like?

[( Pica just made by moi )]

I’m always asked, so what kind of music do you like? My answer is always the same, I love all types of music, for some reason no one believes me but it’s true. I have different moods and all my music fits those moods. I also use music when I do household chores, when I clean I play pop & rock some thrash metal so I’m in a really hyper cleaning mood, and the house always turns out spotless because of it! While I’m cooking I love to put headphones on and pump loud music, RnB, soul and Latino music sometimes.. most of the time though I listen to one song when I cook ‘Rude boy’ by Rihanna. When I listen to my music while doing my chores I’m in my own little world, dancing around the house cleaning or cooking. When I’m walking through the dark at night time I have music blaring only because it stops me from freaking out at the slightest noise ^_^ plus because it’s thrash metal people can hear it from a good distance away and they cross the street to avoid me lol

Two things just came to mind then.. firstly I used to always walk through a golf course near our place to get home in the dark probably about midnight or really early morning like 4 or 5am. This was when I was like 16 I don’t do it anymore.. we don’t live near a golf course.. anyway one day I was walking and I saw this bright orange light in the bushes and I started freaking out thinking it some weirdo sitting in the bushes smoking.. I was contemplating running or not then I just thought keep the music high and walk and I will be fine.. which I was! Next me and my friends were walking to my place, instead of walking through the golf course because of the HUGE hill you have to walk over we decided to walk down the highway.. it was like 3am so there was no traffic, so were walking along and out of nowhere this old guy that looked like Santa walked from seriously no were and started whistelling the kill bill song (( which is my favourite whistle lol )) and he walked ahead of us and just disappeared!! Was freaky lol.. people don’t believe me when I talk about the supernatural.. but that’s for another post atm I’m talking about music..

I love music.. lol.. especially dance music, even when I’m in bed about to go to sleep, since me and Justyn have movies on when we go to sleep, the moment I hear music I start dancing and sometimes my dances are very.. provocative.. so it gets interesting lol.. anyway I feel better now since the whole Telstra thing.. I’m more awake now and I am looking forward to next week.. except its taking way to long to come, but I have started making some shirts and I’m thinking of starting on some skins or tattoos.. someone give me an idea or even a window texture.. I tried stained glass but I suck at that lol ^_^

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